Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Lead Stories

Helping hands - $1m already for Portland children
Just over $1 million has already been pledged to the fund established to assist the children of the victims of Friday's road tragedy in Portland. The Office of the Prime Minister opened the fund with a donation of $500,000, which was immediately matched...

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Remembering Hartley Neita - Hartley held the family together
In the early parts of our life, we may sometimes take the time to contemplate how we will be remembered. When our daily lives come to a close and we are taken from this Earth, we wonder about what people will think of us and how, in our short lives, we have touched...

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Shoppers spending more - But merchants say Xmas earnings flattened by inflation
Multilink withdrawals for the month of December are projected to top the $7 billion mark for the first time in any one month, says operators of the Jamaican network. Still, while those estimates are up to $700 million or six to 11 per cent above last year's amount...

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'A draw is better than losing' - Battling qualities please Dyson
NAPIER, New Zealand (CMC): West Indies coach, John Dyson, has hailed the regional side's fighting qualities following their drawn second Test against New Zealand yesterday and says the result was a better one than losing the match. West Indies set New Zealand 312 to win...

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EDITORIAL - The hope of a timeless season
In her master work, The Encyclopaedia of Jamaican heritage, distinguished Jamaican author Olive Senior makes the observation that "the celebration of the Christmas season is taken very seriously by many Jamaicans and has always been the island's most...

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LETTER OF THE DAY - Peculiar Petrojam pricing policy
The Editor, Sir: Petrojam has not explained to the motoring public why oil is going down on the world market and our ex-refinery prices are not anywhere in line with that trend. I'll give a few examples. Since early July, the price of a barrel of oil has fallen ...

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Getting to know Estelle - British songstress speaks on men, being 'Americanised' and Sean Paul
Despite her hectic schedule, Brit babe Estelle has found time for fellas. This past year has been nothing short of a defining one for the west London songstress. First came the highly anticipated album, Shine, released under the mentorship and guidance of label boss John Legend...

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Profiles in Medicine

Surviving Christmas
Christmas is a time when many of us pause to recognise and honour the birth of Jesus Christ, and for others it is the season of the holly and the jolly. Many people experience excesses in emotions and activity at this time each year - alcohol consumption...

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Getting organised before the new year
It is one of those things we do at the end of every year, make resolutions to become more organised. We gather the required tools and shuffle them around, making cosmetic changes that give us a clean desk for a day or two...

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ST KITTS - Amnesty criticises gov't over hanging
BASSETERRE, St Kitts (CMC): Human-rights group Amnesty International has slammed Kittitian authorities for their decision to hang a convicted murder, the first execution in the twin-island federation for a decade. The London-based organisation said the hanging...

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Bleak Christmas for Zimbabweans - Fleeing citizens find refuge in South African church
JOHANNESBURG (AP): The last Sunday before Christmas was celebrated with a carol service in a downtown Johannesburg church that has become a haven for hundreds of Zimbabweans who have fled their nation's collapse.While songs in her native Shona and other...

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