Just over $1 million has already been pledged to the fund established to assist the children of the victims of Friday's road tragedy in Portland.
The Office of the Prime Minister opened the fund with a donation of $500,000, which was immediately matched by the Ministry of Agriculture. New Era Fencing became the first private-sector entity to respond to the appeal with a cheque for $100,000.
Add contributions
With $1.1 million in the account minutes after it was opened, state minister in the Office of the Prime Minister, Daryl Vaz, appealed to Jamaicans to add their contributions to the fund, which is designed to assist the more than 50 children who lost a parent when a truck plunged over a precipice in the Rio Grande Valley.
"The prime minister was very concerned about the welfare of the children left behind when the 14 people died and it is in light of that that we have decided to launch an initiative which will be known as, 'A helping hand for the children of Portland's Rio Grande Valley'," Vaz said.
Account at ncb
The account has been opened at the National Commercial Bank and will remain open for sometime.
"This is a step by the Government of Jamaica to ensure the long-term needs of the children are met," Vaz added.
He said the Administrator General'sDepartment and two members of the private sector would keep tabs on the money to ensure that the fund is managed in the best interest of each child until he/she reaches adulthood.
"A social enquiry report has been ordered by me to assess the housing, health and education situations facing each of the children. That will be ready in early January and will be coordinated between the Child Development Agency and the Ministry of Education," Vaz told journalists at the weekly post-Cabinet media briefing.
The state minister and member of Parliament for West Portland issued an appeal to members of the public for gifts, clothing or any item which can be delivered to the children of the victims tomorrow to brighten their Christmas. Churches are being asked to play a special role this weekend.
"The Government is inviting all churches to take a special collection for the victims over the Christmas weekend and to dedicate a special prayer for the families and their communities."
A helping hand for the children of Rio Grande Valley crash victims
Monetary donations:
Any NCB branch, account #: 351-077-328
Ministry of Labour & Social
14 National Heroes Circle, Kingston, or
Any Poor Relief office