Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Lead Stories

Helping hands - $1m already for Portland children
Just over $1 million has already been pledged to the fund established to assist the children of the victims of Friday's road tragedy in Portland. The Office of the Prime Minister opened the fund with a donation of $500,000, which was immediately matched...

Running out of time - Sugar industry in flux as divestment talks approach deadline
With time running out on the proposed sugar divestment deal and fears mounting about the fate of the industry, Agriculture Minister Dr Christopher Tufton is expressing confidence that an agreement will be signed by the December 31 deadline...

Dam Bridge road safe - NWA
A report from the National Works Agency's (NWA) Portland parish managers has determined that the road from which a truck plunged on Friday, killing 14 people, was and remains safe for travellers. At the same time, the Ministry of Transport and Works...

Shoestring Christmas - Shoppers stick to strict Yuletide budget
Consumers, who were out shopping in downtown Kingston yesterday afternoon, were ensuring that they stuck to their budget and got the best deals that were available. Shauna Baker, a 29-year-old mother of three, told The Gleaner that she was limiting the amount of money...

Dark holiday for a hospitalised child
LAST CHRISTMAS, Ashley Anderson was able to play with her toys, but this Yuletide season, the eight-year-old is lying in her bed at the Bustamante Hospital for Children, slowly recovering from a gunshot would to the head...

Death sign? - Portlanders question significance of wooden cross erected before truck tragedy
A wooden cross fitted with 14 light bulbs and posted in front of a Christmas tree in Port Antonio, Portland, is now the centre of attention among locals after the same number of persons perished in an accident at Dam Bridge in the parish...

Finance ministry worker on drug charge has bail extended
An employee of the Ministry of Finance and the Public Service, who was last week charged for drug possession, had her bail extended when she appeared in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court, yesterday. Sixty-year-old Verline Hyacinth Watt...

Understanding the Boxing Day tradition
The true meaning of Boxing Day, celebrated the day after Christmas, still remains a mystery across the world."To me it means leftovers," said Vivian Crawford, executive director of the Institute of Jamaica.

Transportation, parking for Kiddiefest
In preparation for Christmas Kiddiefest, the children's festival slated for Hope Gardens, St Andrew on Boxing Day, the public is being advised of the following transportation and parking arrangements.

What does Boxing Day mean to you and how do you usually spend the day?

Istanbul's allure (final)
Istanbul! Everyone who visits this ancient city, known as Byzantium, then Constantinople and now Istanbul, has marvellous memories. Sprawling across the Bosphorus Straits, sitting astride both Europe and Asia...

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