Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
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Remembering Hartley Neita - Hartley held the family together

Journalist and author, Hartley Neita. - Contributed

Tribute by grandson, Duncan Reid:

In the early parts of our life, we may sometimes take the time to contemplate how we will be remembered. When our daily lives come to a close and we are taken from this Earth, we wonder about what people will think of us and how, in our short lives, we have touched and graced theirs.

Being young, I may not have known Hartley as well as others, but in that short time he graced and influenced my own (life). Growing up, we were not taught all the great things Hartley may have done or achieved so I am not able to get into a long, rambling list of all of that. However, aside from all the trophies, awards, titles and recognition, we had something more. We knew him not because of all his deeds and actions or what we read in the newspapers but we were lucky enough to know him out of our love and the bond between family.

Special connection

Every person in our family had this special connection with Hartley, not because he was just our uncle, brother, nephew, cousin, father, friend or grandfather, but because he loved and cared for us all in each of our own special and personal ways.

Hartley would always be the one that was present in our lives and made sure to be involved in any way that he could. I remember fondly when it would be Hartley that was the one who would take my brother, my cousins and I to cut our hair, even though it would take hours as the barber was never allowed to use shears. I also remember when he would take us out and treat us to Devon House ice cream. Hartley was what held the family together, whether we knew it or not, and he was never absent from a family function.

Happy and content

As we look at the final chapters of this wonderful man's life, we see a Hartley who was extremely happy and content. Therefore, we must thank God his last days were not spent in suffering and sickness, but that the Lord brought him back in peace.

Now as we look into the future, we can only hope that we can grow up to make Hartley proud and that this new generation of ours will be the one to do it, so that we can carry on the family for years to come. Hartley will forever be in our hearts and as we go into this uncertain future, he will guide us and protect us as he has done before.

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