Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Hold on to your purse and bags.
Double-check with the store clerk if all IDs, credit cards, etc., have been returned to you before leaving the store.
Always park your vehicle in well-lit safe-parking areas.
Go to the ATM in the daytime.
If you are alone at home and you drive, always call and ask your neighbour(s) to assist or look out when you're entering your yard.
Don't take out large sums of cash when shopping in a store, only what you want to use.
When visiting a relative, don't leave unfamiliar places at nights. Instead, leave when there is a crowd around.
Always lock your vehicle, even when leaving it for a short time.
Don't keep spare keys hidden on the frame or body of the vehicle.
All windows should be wound up completely. A slightly open window can render all other precautions useless.
Park as close as possible to buildings at shopping malls or stores.
Don't leave valuables visible in your vehicle.
When waiting for someone, avoid parking in a lonely spot.
When visiting, drive into the premises. If that is not possible, park at a well-lit spot.
Female drivers should be cautious when driving alone at nights. If being trailed, drive to the nearest police station or crowded area, sound your horn constantly, or begin to shout.
Walk on well-lit streets.
When approaching home, have your keys in your hand to open your doors and grilles. Be aware of pedestrians or motorists who may be following you. If you suspect you are being followed, cross the street, scream, and run to a lit business place or home.
If a car is chasing you, run in the opposite direction. It takes time to turn a car around, time you could use to get to safety.
Avoid clumps of bushes, abandoned buildings, and other places which make it possible for persons to hide and attack you.
If you are being held up at gunpoint:
Do not panic. Get a grip on yourself, inhale, exhale, and try to stay calm.
Don't resist.
Obey instructions.
Be alert and look for peculiar features on the robber(s).
Some people take imprudent risks. If the robber threatens you with a gun, your chance of disarming him is very limited.
Your best protection is thinking ahead of time, and planning your response and escape strategy.
Source: Constabulary Communication Network