Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Letters
The season of goodwill

I pray that in this Christmas season all people may find new birth in the Lord, and in doing so, find new life. I pray for the rich, who are most able to share the spirit of Christmas, that they may find abundant opportunities to take their bounty into the midst of the suffering and poor.

At this time of year, we often place a special emphasis on family life. We must also remember, even as we gather with our loved ones, that many of the problems faced in our urban culture spring from the fact that family life in this country has undergone considerable setbacks in recent times.

The disintegration of family life inevitably leaves some people isolated and abandoned.

Cannot ignore needs

The homeless, the addicted, the old and forsaken are around us everywhere, from one end of the island to the other. We cannot ignore the needs of anyone, for in Christ the entire human family has become our family.

As the Christmas season passes into the new year, I hope that we all might carry the spirit of generosity and of faithful love into all our actions in the coming year, without looking back to blame the past, and without hesitating to welcome the future.

I am, etc.,



Bridgeport, St. Catherine

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