Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Commentary

Upgrade emergency services

I found it very appalling that over six hours were spent trying to free a passenger from the overturned truck in the Portland accident.

The Fire Brigade and other emergency services need to be upgraded seriously.

- Franklyn Thompson


New York

New leaders for 2009

We need new leaders for the coming year. We need a change from all who is there now. Every day I watch them tell us that it is going to be different, it is like broken records.

Sometimes I get very depressed because of how our leaders behave. They set no example for us, for example, in Parliament. Their behaviour is often atrocious and rather disturbing.

Please if you are going lead, then do so with proper ethics, morals and family values.

- Concerned Citizen



Want to help burnT victims

I am a Jamaican professional loving overseas and was moved by the article on the life of victims of fire and accidents. I would like to know whether a fund has been established for any of these victims, to which I and other concerned citizens can make a monetary contribution. The subjects of the article are strong people, beautiful overcomers who have survived despite incredible odds against them. They all need therapy and assistance to thrive and I would like to know how I can help.





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