Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Careers
Getting organised before the new year
Nadine Haughton, Contributor

It is one of those things we do at the end of every year, make resolutions to become more organised. We gather the required tools and shuffle them around, making cosmetic changes that give us a clean desk for a day or two.

It is a good start to the new year, with a clear mind, pure thoughts and looking at the next 365 days positively.


Your email can be a great resource to organise your contact lists. Until you schedule the time for that research, take the following simple steps:

Create a reference system

Place information you need to save in folders categorised according to subject, person, event, etc.

Use the 'Arrange By' function of your inbox.

Use your 'Auto Preview' function.

Complete action on each item before moving on - do not skip around. Once the number of items are decreased, this will become easier.

Four Rules for Managing Your Inbox

1. Delete - delete unnecessary items immediately.

2. Action - if this can be done in a few minutes, do it now.

3. Delegate - pass them on with deadlines for completion and feedback.

4. Put on Hold - for items that require a focused response or additional information. Convert these to a task or add them to your 'Things to Do'

There is still time to do the above before you break for the holidays. Make a commitment to return in January refreshed and ready for work in your already organised space. Ensure that you:

Work your day right - if you work on the road, create 'in' and 'out' days and use the 'in' days to organise.

Challenge yourself to staying organised for 30 days, 31 and over will be easy.

Set aside time each day to action emails or return telephone calls

Wishing all of you a safe and peaceful season filled with joy, laughter and the love of family. Nadine Haughton is the marketing director of The Brand Warriors. She can be contacted at brandwarriors@gmail.com.


Experts recommend some key elements in maintaining an organised office space:

1. Being realistic and taking small steps with high impact - work on an area such as the desk top, drawer of filing cabinet.

2. Focus on de-cluttering - start with a commitment to discard unnecessary papers, magazines, business cards etc. Save the pages you need and transfer names and numbers to your BlackBerry or Rolodex.

3. Develop systems that work - find the right desk tools, PDAs, diaries, planners and filing systems that work for your style and put them in place. Keep one diary! It is too confusing to do otherwise.

4. Simplify your daily activities - work with a 'Things to Do' list, but make a commitment to transfer unaccomplished tasks to the top of the list for the following day. Never have more than one list in operation at any time.

5. Get a desk that works for you.

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