Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Careers

Getting organised before the new year
It is one of those things we do at the end of every year, make resolutions to become more organised. We gather the required tools and shuffle them around, making cosmetic changes that give us a clean desk for a day or two...

Plan ahead
The New Year is literally days away. Have you even begun thinking about 2009? What will you do? What will the new year bring? How you respond to those questions may be a good indication of how you will handle the year...

Career development: the guide to success
As a professional, it is extremely important to manage and plan your career development for your growth and success.Career development can be characterised by the following: Seeking more meaning from work.

Compulsory skills upgrading coming for adult educators
Come January 2009, the Ministry of Education through its Adult Education Agency, the Jamaican Foundation for Lifelong Learning (JFLL) will roll out a comprehensive programme of skills upgrading for teachers in the adult education subsector....

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