Today is the eve of Christmas. As we celebrate the holidays, let us not forget the true meaning of the holidays.
Life is a journey and on this part of the journey 2008, no doubt there were many persons who helped along our journey, persons who shared in our personal triumphs and trials, persons who were simply there for us.
Let us pause amid the hustle and the bustle of the season to reach out and say thanks. Thanks to many persons who have extended their hands and hearts to us. Let us remember those who have shown an act of kindness.
I would like to pause today to acknowledge you, our readers, and all my friends, family members and even my detractors. Thanks for your kind words, thoughtful reminders, observations, suggestions and all the criticisms. I am today better than I was yesterday because of you and all that you offered.
As you go about your many activities, think on these words.
Question not but live and labour till your goal be won
Helping every feeble neighbour, asking help from none
Life is mainly froth and bubbles,
Two things stand like stone
Kindness in another's struggle
Courage in your own.
- Gordon Lindsay.
Extend that attitude of gratitude today. Have a happy holiday.