Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | December 24, 2008
Home : Profiles in Medicine

Surviving Christmas
Christmas is a time when many of us pause to recognise and honour the birth of Jesus Christ, and for others it is the season of the holly and the jolly. Many people experience excesses in emotions and activity at this time each year - alcohol consumption...

Using leftovers to make salads
A Main dish or main course salad is a dish which represents a full meal. These salads are nutritious, tasty and easy to make. The leftover ham, roast beef, turkey and so on after the holiday festivities can be used in these salads...

Attitude of gratitude
Today is the eve of Christmas. As we celebrate the holidays, let us not forget the true meaning of the holidays. Life is a journey and on this part of the journey 2008, no doubt there were many persons who helped along our journey, persons who shared in our personal triumphs...

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