Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Lead Stories

Low-paying jobs for grads - UWI study shows modest earning by degree holders
ALTHOUGH MOST of the University of the West Indies' (UWI) recent graduates are employed, more than half have accepted jobs that require fewer qualifications, a study...

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Jamaica celebrates fifth year of Canadian tourist growth
WESTERN BUREAU:DESPITE THE current economic challenges afflicting the global travel and tourism industry, Canada continues to outpace Jamaica's other source markets, except the United States (US), solidifying...

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Serious shortage of civil engineers
Omar Sweeney, secretary of the Jamaica Institution of Engineers (JIE) says there is a "serious void" in the job market for civil engineers.The situation is worsened annually, he claims, by the fact that the only school that...

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MVP shine in 4x100m
MVP's men's sprint relay team was among four early record breakers at last night's UTech Track and Field Classic at the National Stadium.The MVP quartet of Barbadian Andrew Hinds, Michael Frater and Nesta Carter, both members...

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Beware of the treadmill, Mr Golding
In another dispensation, prior to his return to the Jamaica Labour Party and his assumption of its leadership, Bruce Golding gave the distinct impression that his quest for the prime ministership of Jamaica...

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Put idle hands, lands to work
The Editor, Sir:There was a time (I almost said once upon a time) Jamaicans would always say they were waiting until "Budget read".

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REVELLING TIME! Carnival climaxes with road march today
The 2009 carnival season climaxes today with a 10-hour soca orgy - Bacchanal Jamaica Road March.

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Arts &Leisure

The Liguanea Festival of Fine Art and Photography : An art lovers paradise
On Sunday, April 26, art collectors and lovers of Jamaican art will once again experience the largest one-day outdoor exhibition of art and photography for the year.

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...Sheron Dixon-Brown - general manager of Capital and Credit Remittance Limited, recently rebranded Reggae Money Express.

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In Focus

Pride after the fall
In the Health section of the April 7, 2009 edition of The New York Times, Benedict Carey wrote an article titled 'When all you have left is your pride'.This article analysed the impact of the economic downturn on self-concept and the unique survival...

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Keeping afloat
Leighton 'Jongo' Sanderson is no stranger to rough seas - economic or otherwise. The 32-year-old self-appointed lifeguard at Hellshire Beach, St Catherine, has found a way to keep 'financially afloat' by renting inflated motor vehicle tyre tubes to visitors at the popular attraction.

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