Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Outlook
Take me Away, totally dedicated to women

Richie Stephens told Outlook that this brown leather, fur and fabric ensemble was bought in downtown Manhattan's fashion district, in New York, USA. The bear-skin collar is attached to the jacket and he completes the outfit with a brown felt hat and boots. - Winston Sill/Freelance Photographer

The popular concert series, Take Me Away with Richie Stephens and Friends, is all the buzz in town these days and we got some inside details from the man himself about The Gleaner-sponsored event.

If you think this outfit was fabulous, Stephens is pulling out all the stops to delight fans, but he's keeping designer details close to the chest for now. For the fifth staging of the show, Stephens says his outfits will outdo all the others so far.

Mother's input

His mother will not be performing this year, but she will be right there cheering him on.

Special guest, the R&B crooner out of California, Jeffrey Osborne, will be here to perform simply woo, woo the ladies and in the words of promoter/singer/show creator, Stephens, "The nation needs to be uplifted now and nothing does that better than music. Women deserve to be treated right and I know just how to do that."

Donation to charities

Stephens has always used the proceeds of his shows to benefit various charities of his choice. He has earned the reputation of being an entertainer/philanthropist who delivers the promised goods within a month after an event and this year's main charity is battered women, hence the dedication to women.

Keep on reading your island's best newspaper for more inside scoop on the show set for April 26.

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