Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Outlook

...Sheron Dixon-Brown - general manager of Capital and Credit Remittance Limited, recently rebranded Reggae Money Express.

Take me Away, totally dedicated to women
The popular concert series, Take Me Away with Richie Stephens and Friends, is all the buzz in town these days and we got some inside details from the man himself about The Gleaner-sponsored event.

She is the petite dynamo behind Television Jamaica and is always the life of the party. But when it comes to staying focused, Kay Osborne relies on the words of the serenity prayer .

Lessons from motherhood
Motherhood does not come with a manual and women in that position often make up the rules as they go along.

Experience Sake!
In Jamaica, where everybody throws a party these days, you have to make sure that yours has that little extra to keep the guests coming.Sake, the brainchild of EyeCandy Promotions, is one such party.

A joyful century
Mrs Cicely Melora Morris reached 100 years old on February 5. To mark the important milestone, the centenarian's family members, friends and associates decided that God should be praised for allowing her to live so long.

Celebrating with dance
For many, it is their Easter Sunday service of praise and thanksgiving. For others, it is the celebration of Jamaican cultural tradition in dance and music, in a religious format without the trappings of the church.

Best places to live in Clarendon
Clarendon is famous for sugar cane, bauxite, tobacco, and the Milk River Bath, which is a therapeutic mineral spa that has brought many from near and far to the parish.

Would HRT help her sex life?
Q Doctor, I am a 48-year-old woman. My sex life has not been too good recently. Is it true that it would improve a lot if I went on that hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

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