Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Outlook
Best places to live in Clarendon
Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter

Absolutely breathtaking! This enormous, yet beautiful piece of architecture, is a lovely addition to the Trenton Road community. - Photos bty Colin Hamilton/Freelance Photographer

Clarendon is famous for sugar cane, bauxite, tobacco, and the Milk River Bath, which is a therapeutic mineral spa that has brought many from near and far to the parish. In spite of possessing these great resources, Clarendon has gained popularity over the past few years in a more negative way, and increase in the crime rate. However, this has not stopped many returned residents from making Clarendon their home.

Clarendon is the third largest parish in Jamaica, covering 1,196 kilometres of space. It is located on the south of the island, roughly half-way between the eastern and western ends. Situated in the county of Middlesex, it is bordered by Manchester at the west, St Catherine at the east, and at the north by St Ann.

The parish has several rivers, including the Rio Minho, which runs the length of the parish. Toward the northern end lies Mocho Mountain, and Bull Head Mountain, which is considered to be the geographical centre of the island. The Vere plain is another significant geographical feature in the parish.

Features of Clarendon

Beaches: Jackson Bay, Salt River and Rocky Point. It is the only parish on the island that has a beach that is home to manatees (sea cows).

Population: is estimated at 215,515; May Pen, the capital, has a population estimated about 60,000.

Hospitals: There are two; May Pen Hospital and Percy Junior Hospital in Spaldings.

Educational Institutions: include Knox College, Edwin Allen High School, Vere Technical High School, Glenmuir High School, Clarendon College, Denbigh High, Lennon High, Spaldings High and Garvey Maceo High. Upscale Residential areas:

This massive peach-coloured house, with brown roof, is among the number of luxurious houses on Trenton Road in Clarendon.

Clarendon has many upscale residential communities that are popular with its large returned resident population:

Twin Palms Estate: A gated community located just off Highway 2000, it has been around for the past 10 years. Lot prices in this community range anywhere from $3.5 million and property value ranges from $20 million to $40 million.

The community has a neigbourhood watch and residents say that the local police makes regular daily patrols. It is a safe, quiet, and peaceful place to live. It is estimated that 90 per cent of the properties here are owned by returned residents.

Trenton Road: An upper-middle-class community located just outside of May Pen and a few kilometres from the May Pen bridge. Like Twin Palms Estate's lot prices range from $3.5 million and property value ranges from $20 million. The community is 20 years old and it's a lovely neighbourhood to live.

Gated community

Palm trees and lush, green vegetation line the entrance to Twin Palms Estate.

Hartwell Gardens: Located at the first left turn upon entering Four Paths from Bustamante Highway, it is a gated upper-middle-class community with a number of beautiful houses and adequate land space.

Watson Avenue: This small upper-middle-class community is only 14 years old. It is located in Four Paths and attracts a number of returned residents. One Jamaican resident living overseas said the community is very quiet and peaceful. He noted that there is no crime problem; it is a great place to reside.

Other great residential locations in Clarendon include Inglewood, Midland Glades and Glenmuir.

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