Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Outlook

Sheron Dixon-Brown, general manager of Reggae Money Express (formerly Capital and Credit Remittance Limited). - Contributed

... Sheron Dixon-Brown - general manager of Capital and Credit Remittance Limited, recently rebranded Reggae Money Express.

It's not easy to find time to yourself when you're the head of an integral arm of one of Jamaica's leading financial groups.

But Dixon-Brown, whose entire life has been in the financial field, takes on all challenges. Despite her busy days, she told Outlook what she's up to in her down time.

Q: Last book you read?

A: The Quickie by James Patterson. You don't want to know what that's about (laughs).

Q: Last CD you bought?

A: Has to be Yolanda Adams' Day by Day. Love the track, Victory.

Q: Last interesting place you visited?

A: We primarily vacation in Florida and we last went to Fort Lauderdale. I just love the shopping!

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