Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Outlook
Lessons from motherhood

Motherhood does not come with a manual and women in that position often make up the rules as they go along. Of course, many tips are passed on by grandmothers and great-grandmothers. So as we approach another Mother's Day, Flair (see tomorrow's Gleaner), is inviting mothers to share their 'Lessons From Motherhood' with readers.

Write to us and share some of those secrets or methods that have helped you cope with crises; navigate naughtiness, dispense discipline, punish without peril or fathom the future.

Your essays should not be longer than 250 words and should be accompanied by a recent photograph of you and your child/children, by May 12.

We will publish them in our special Mother's Day edition of Flair on May 15. We will include tips from the experts on how to cope with the responsibilities of motherhood. Win one of several prizes from donors including: Cuisinart, KingAlarm and Rainforest Seafoods.

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