Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Arts &Leisure
Primal Desires part 2

The following is Part 2 of a story started last week. It is written by Bonita Brown. See the conclusion next week.

"Hi," I said, smiling while Travis told his aunt of how we had met unofficially the day before. I looked him over as he and his aunt conversed. Travis was dressed in light blue boxer shorts and tank top of the same colour and, because of his dark complexion, the colour worked with his skin tone splendidly. He was buff in all the right places and filled out that outfit as if it was designed principally for him.

You could tell he was quite active and he looked so sexy it was sinful. I noticed that he was eyeing me as well and, as our eyes made contact, something electrifying passed between us. I smiled ner-vously because I recognised that we were both looking at each other lustfully.

I would run into Travis on a regular basis since he was now my neighbour. The sight of Travis was so thrilling he made my mouth water each time. He was deliciously tempting and he was one treat that I knew I could not resist and would not mind partaking of.

One Saturday night while my friends and I were out chilling at Cuddy'z, I bumped into Travis.

"Oh! Hi, Travis, what are you doing here?" I asked, surprised at seeing him.

"Hi Bernie, the same thing you are, chilling with the guys," he said.

Just then Kimmy and Mel came over giggling. They probably had one too many martinis to drink.

"Hi," said Mel while Kimmy giggled some more.

"Aren't you going to introduce your friend to us Bernie?" Mel asked.

"Travis, these are my friends Kemiesha and Melissa. Mel and Kimmy, this is Travis, my next-door neighbour."

Travis greeted both of them as they unceremoniously exclaimed, "Soo, this is the Travis!" their eyes gleaming mischievously.

"We have heard about you," said Mel, suggestively.

"Really," said Travis turning to look at me, his eyes twinkling. "I hope it is nothing bad?" he said turning his attention to Mel and Kimmy once more.

"Trust me, Travis, it is all good," said Mel and she and Kimmy looked at each other and started to laugh.

"Well, I guess what you heard must be quite humorous then," stated Travis looking from Mel to Kimmy then tuning to me to arch his brow questioningly.

"Bernie, what have you told your friends about me that they find so amusing?"

"Nothing significant," I answered, blushing.

"It must be since they are laughing at me."

"Oh, we are so sorry, Travis, but we aren't laughing at you, we're just teasing Bernie," said Kimmy still chuckling.

"Oh, why are you teasing Bernie?" Travis questioned.

"Hmm, that's our little secret," said Mel, throwing me a knowing glance and both she and Kimmy walked off together chuckling while Travis looked at me with a quizzical expression on his face.

"Travis, just ignore them. I think they have had too much to drink," I said trying to make light of the situation.

"They don't look drunk to me."

"Believe me, even when they are sober they behave like drunkards." We both laughed.

"So, where are your friends?" I asked, to shift the conversation.

"By the bar, getting smashed," he replied, pointing to where his friends were sitting.

"So how come you aren't over there getting smashed too?" I asked.

"I am the designated driver tonight. That's why I am not."

"OK, so am I."

"Weren't they the ones who picked you up?" Travis asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, but I am the one taking them home, and I will be keeping Kimmy's car until tomorrow when she comes by to pick it up," I explained.

"Why don't I drop my friends off and follow while you drop your friends off, leave Kimmy's car with her and let me take you home," Travis suggested

"Hmm, I don't know," I said uncertainly.

"What's not to know? Kimmy will be hung over and I'm sure she'll be grateful for not having to make the trip tomorrow to pick up her car," he urged.

"I guess so."

See what happens next in next Sunday's Arts pages.

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