Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Lead Stories
Jamaicans in Canada seek local investments
Gareth Manning, Sunday Gleaner Writer

Ffolkes Abrahams

Many Jamaicans living in Canada are looking for new investment opportunities on the island, in a bid to help strengthen the relationship between the two countries.

"What Jamaicans want to do is own some of Jamaica, so Jamaicans who have lived abroad are thinking now of being owners and collaborating with Jamaicans on new projects," said Sharon Ffolkes Abrahams, president of the Canadian Diaspora Association.

One of the areas being targeted, Ffolkes Abrahams said, is tourism, which, in her opinion, needs diversification. Possible areas of expansion are health tourism and ecotourism.

Contingent in island

Ffolkes Abrahams disclosed that a contingent had arrived in the island ahead of Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, who begins an official visit today.

"What we have been doing is having different meetings with ministries to see how we can engage, in terms of business development, trade and develop more business and trade between the two countries, as well as to assist the youths," Ffolkes Abrahams disclosed.

The group has already started a number of projects on the island geared at youth and community development. There is an ongoing community-transformation project in the Rocky Point fishing village, in southern Clarendon, which is being done in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency. There is another project in Rose Town, St Andrew, to improve the inner-city community's library and youth centre and to develop a block-making factory for the community.

"We (the diaspora) feel the Government has recognised that we exist and that we are an important element in this country. We consider ourselves to be a borderless part of Jamaica," Ffolkes Abrahams stated. "Although we may be Canadian citizens, we have dual citizenship and we are part of the Commonwealth [so] we consider ourselves to be equally Jamaican and Canadian," she added.

Opportunities in canada

Opportunities are also awaiting a number of Jamaicans in Canada, Ffolkes Abrahams disclosed, pointing to a growing demand for skilled workers, particularly in the areas of construction, especially carpentry and plumbing.


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