Low-paying jobs for grads - UWI study shows modest earning by degree holders
ALTHOUGH MOST of the University of the West Indies' (UWI) recent graduates are employed, more than half have accepted jobs that require fewer qualifications, a study...
More aid coming from US for regional security - PM
Prime Minister Bruce Golding says he is encouraged by the commitment of the president of the United States of America, Barack Obama, to give more assistance to the Caribbean and Latin America to reduce piracy and gun and drug running through the...
Jamaicans in Canada seek local investments
Many Jamaicans living in Canada are looking for new investment opportunities on the island, in a bid to help strengthen the relationship between the two countries."What Jamaicans want to do is own some of Jamaica, so...
Cop dead, three injured in crash
A collision along the McCooks Pen main road in St Catherine yesterday afternoon resulted in the hospitalisation of three policemen from the Mobile Reserve Unit and the death of another.Reports are that about 2 p.m., a Toyota Hilux police service...
Justice system to benefit from CDN$18.5m grant
Helping to modernise Jamaica's justice system will be a key issue on Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper's agenda when he arrives here today for an official two-day visit.A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister...
Shaw chops utilities
THE BUTCHER is at work - trimming fat and slicing the steak down to bare bones.Finance Minister Audley Shaw said last week that those were the instructions he had received from Prime Minister Bruce Golding.
Jamaica's articulate politicians hailed
TAKING A cursory glance through the history of parliamentary debates since the 1970s, Dessler Smith, a 30-year veteran staff member at Gordon House, highlighted some outstanding legislators over the period.It is instructive to point out that the...
'Merican' and 'Daughter' need deliverance
I MET them at the Good Samaritan Inn on Heroes Circle recently. After exposing the plight of their living situation, Hubert 'Merican' Jones and 'Daughter', his companion, invited me to see the conditions in which they were living.