Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | April 19, 2009
Home : Letters
Not impressed with PM's action


The Editor, Sir:

I wish to register my disgust at the prime minister's 'patriotic' show to forego his seven per cent salary increase, cut his salary by 15 per cent and his call for fellow ministers and other public-sector workers follow suit. I wish to point out that while the PM and other government ministers may very well have the capacity to do so, how can one expect the nurses, teachers, policemen/women and other public sector workers to do the same?

The ministers of government and the prime minister are entitled to allowances that are not a part of their salaries; hence, they do with their allowances what the other public-sector workers do with their salaries. At the end of the day, their expenses are taken care of for the most part without them touching most of their salaries. Do we have walking or taxi-taking politicians? Do we have parliamentarians struggling to pay utility bills, loans and to take care of their children? How many of them struggle to buy food and pay their rent?

I am distressed for the teachers and nurses who have applied for study leave and will have to forego such resulting from no increase in their salaries or no retroactive pay.

Sole decision

What about the public-sector workers who planned on improving their living standards and education status? The sole decision maker of Jamaica has shattered the dreams of many public-sector employees. His solution I suppose is to borrow, and I assure you that if one is not careful, one will borrow and end up just like the state of Jamaica.

How will we afford a five per cent increase in GCT when there is no salary increase and that tax affects everything? How will we afford our weekly/monthly expenditures when prices are already out of control? How will we send our children to school and continue our own studies?

I ask that justice be meted out and consideration be given to the working class of this nation, their families and their living standards. I also ask that the PM lead in his capacity, not just with getting revenues to finance the Budget in mind, but also with the Jamaican populace in mind.

I am, etc.,



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