Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Lead Stories

Two to a bed - No jubilance at Jubilee hospital
MANY OF the mostly poor women who have their babies delivered at public hospitals are forced to share a bed designed to accommodate one patient, with one, or sometimes two, other expectant mothers. This violates the Ministry of Health's ideal patient policy of having one person per bed.

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Bed-sharing pains
AS IF labour pains were not enough, many expectant mothers on the labour wards at public hospitals are forced to share beds with other pregnant women.

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Companies plead for public contracts, tax incentives
Manufacturers and small businesses have joined hoteliers in a cry for help from the Jamaican Government even as analysts are predicting that commerce will be hamstrung by a global-market crisis.

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Cuba advance, Jamaica poised
Photo by Adrian FraterCuba's Hanier Dranquet (left) has his progress spectacularly checked by a flying tackle by Antigua and Barbuda's Winston Roberts in yesterday's game at the Trelawny Multi-Purpose Stadium.

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EDITORIAL - Political parties should open their books
We agree with Jean Pierre Kingsley, who used to be the boss of Canada's electoral process. Money is important to politics, Mr Kingsley reminded a seminar on political party financing in Kingston last week. But, if you don't regulate the money, the money will regulate the process.

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LETTER OF THE DAY - Bajan airport assault should be probed
The Editor, Sir: The report in The Star of Friday December 5, titled '20 Women sexually assaulted at airport - Jamaicans touched on their private parts after landing in Barbados', should be properly investigated and not allowed to just fade into the darkness. This is not the first time such an event has occurred...

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Uzuri outfits 112 Miss World 2008 beauties
Jamaican fashion will be shown on the world stage when Uzuri International outfits all 112 women during the opening sequence of 2008 Miss World Pageant Finals.

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Arts &Leisure

Art of Rastafari
FOR SOMEONE who has never been to Jamaica, Jerry Neville has clearly developed a unique connection with the island through art and music. Also known as 'Jeremiyah', the artist began his formal training in art in the 1970s, somewhere around the same time that he was first introduced to the reggae stylings of Ken Boothe and Jimmy Cliff.

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Words of compassion
Jo-Ann Nadine Martin was tired of being victimised and exploited the day she met life coach Christine Morris. "I was at the bank waiting on my pay but not feeling good about it. The hours were not correct.

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In Focus

Right time for change
There is a time for everything, when all the coordinates and variables come together in a favourable position. When that happens it is time for action.

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A fashionable affair
Eat, drink and be merry was the instruction given to guests who turned up at Male Ego's cocktail reception for customers and associates in Friday, November 28.

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2008 Volkswagen Passat 1.8 TSI - Power-packed!
HOW THIS drive happened was a bit of a lark. Etus Coleman, brand manager at Volkswagen, has been constantly saying that his brand offers the best 'bang for buck' out there.

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