Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Letters
No word yet on missing sand
The Editor, Sir:

It is incredulous to believe that we are so corrupt in this country that so many people know where the sand came from, where it went, who was involved and yet nothing has been done about it yet.

Do the commissioner and the Minister of Security have no authority or the will to make such a public scandal an example that the corruption will not be tolerated? No wonder crime runs rampant in the country. Simply put, the clear message is, do what you feel like, especially if you are 'connected.' Remember the night-noise promises and the repealing for the favoured status of Sumfest?


However, the perpetrators are fearful of their wrongdoing. They took the sand at night. They did it quickly. They tried to hide their tracks. So, at least they know they did something wrong.

But they probably now feel that they will get away with it. The only reason that there is such a delay in the investigations is that I'm sure there are negotiations going on. Whose head will roll? Who will be the fall guy? How much money will be paid? And so on.


Yet, our politicians vote for hanging. Of course! Because it is expected that it doesn't matter that an innocent person might be hanged. It is expected that it will only be some poor, black person who doesn't count. Wait until some 'A' list, uptown, or public authority, policeman or whomever, gets tried for a capital crime. Hanging will be voted out so fast! Mind you, such a case probably won't even get to the courtroom.

So, I ask the press and the media to start breaking down the barriers. Open up the can of worms. Open the Pandora's box. Name the names. There are ways of doing it without worrying about our favoured persons' libel laws. Those laws were put in place by the elite to protect the elite. Don't be part of the cover-up.

I am, etc.,


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