Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - Bajan airport assault should be probed
The Editor, Sir: The report in The Star of Friday December 5, titled '20 Women sexually assaulted at airport - Jamaicans touched on their private parts after landing in Barbados', should be properly investigated and not allowed to just fade into the darkness. This is not the first time such an event has occurred...

Lessons from the American election
The Editor, Sir: In this defining moment, as history is rewritten and the world looks on at the dawning of a new day, we as a nation, as a people, need to ask ourselves: What lessons can we take from the just-concluded 2008 United States presidential election, in which the first African American, Barack Obama, won in a convincing style?

Modify access to National Stadium
The Editor, Sir: It is with concern and dismay that I am writing about the outright disregard for our children. I am constantly appalled at how we treat our children.

No word yet on missing sand
The Editor, Sir: It is incredulous to believe that we are so corrupt in this country that so many people know where the sand came from, where it went, who was involved and yet nothing has been done about it yet.

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