Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Social
A fashionable affair

Photos by Peta-Gaye Clachar/Staff Photographer
Who says men can't rock a scarf? Pulse's grooming coach, Donavon Marshall, sure does and he gives the look of confidence with a winning pose during Male Ego's cocktail reception on Friday, November 28. It was held at the store's location in Southdale Plaza, along South Avenue in St Andrew.

Latoya Grindley, Features Writer

Eat, drink and be merry was the instruction given to guests who turned up at Male Ego's cocktail reception for customers and associates in Friday, November 28.

The function, which was held in collaboration with NCB Capital Markets, saw guests turning out elegantly and fashionably dressed because after all, Male Ego customers say the store is one of the better outlets for men's clothing around town.

Hosted at the store's location in Southdale Plaza along South Avenue in St Andrew, the corridors were used to accommodate guests with rails draped in green, purple and gold. Sticking to their plans of cocktails and conversation, the owners of Male Ego, Donavon and Michelle McCarthy, made sure their clients were all involved in the mix of things.

In between sips and bites, guests chatted and laughed all in the name of having a relaxing and fun-filled Friday night.


LEFT: Male Ego's Donavon and Michelle McCarthy made great hosts at their store's cocktail reception.
CENTRE: By the looks of things, Julian Patrick (right) and Granville Valentine seem to be discussing what their next Male Ego buys could possibly be.
RIGHT: Timothy Spencer stands besides his significant other, Angelie and friend, Michelle Gordon (left).

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