Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Social

A fashionable affair
Eat, drink and be merry was the instruction given to guests who turned up at Male Ego's cocktail reception for customers and associates in Friday, November 28.

An innovative Christmas
The sight of snow-capped trees (albeit artificial ones) is not a regular thing in Jamaica, but then Innovative Ideas is not a run-of-the-mill company.

High spirits at Wray and Nephew's media party
The J Wray and Nephew family had media personnel in a dancing frenzy at its appreciation party held at Cuddy'z in New Kingston last week Tuesday. The theme was 'Jamaica Night' and patrons came dressed in the national colours to have a grand time.

Memories of the bar
One of the many dates possibly etched into Justice Seymour Panton's brain is November 26, 1968. That's the day when he was called to the bar at the prestigious Lincoln's Inn in London at the tender age of 22. So after 40 years of serving the noble profession, the jovial jurist threw a fancy dinner to celebrate the occasion.

Support for the arts
There is a saying that if you don't support the arts, then you better build more prisons. Hopefully, with the support of those who attended the fund-raising dinner for the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts on Monday, that will never happen to the young people who performed.

Partying with the Ashleys
It used to be that one could tell the onset of the festive season by the seasonal shindigs that punctuated the social landscape. Today, the same obtains, but for one minor detail - for the most part, those that have survived the ravages of time and institutional changes have either morphed into mere public relations outings for the hosts, while others have simply become that much more fabulous!

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