Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Social
An innovative Christmas

Photos by Peta-Gaye Clachar/Staff Photographer
David Weir of Sterling Asset Management could be giving some financial advice to sales executive Kamille Lawrence.

The sight of snow-capped trees (albeit artificial ones) is not a regular thing in Jamaica, but then Innovative Ideas is not a run-of-the-mill company.

The public relations and communications firm hosted a 'white Jamaica' Christmas soirée on Tuesday, thanking its clients for their patronage and the media for its coverage. The decor had everything for a white Christmas, from snow-flake decorations, snowmen and even 'snow flurries' (spat out from a blower). For brawta, the entertainment segment was called Simply Strings, which involved the violin strings of Nadje Leslie, Michelle-Ann Gabbadon and Paulette Bellamy as well as the vocal 'strings' of Michael Sean Harris.

Precious charities

With clients like Pizza Hut and KFC and buffet duties by the Pantry Caterers, you know that no one left unsatisfied. The Innovative Ideas team also made two donations to Children First and Dare To Care, two of its precious charities.

Guests out included Robert Stephenson, Nancy McLean, Dr Heather Little-White and husband, Peter Watson; Devon and Kathy-Ann Yetman, Stephanie Shaw, Tony Robinson, Winsome Jureidini, Cecil Thoms, Yvonne Wilks, Rohan Powell, Irene Graham, Howard Walker, Naomi Francis, Carol Francis, Durant Pate, Dianne Blackwood, Milton Walker, Gladstone Wilson and daughter, Seya; Rohan Halsall, Stacy and Patrick Mitchell, Orville Hill, Natalie Thomas-Shorter, Diana Allen, Steve and Donna Quallo, David Ebanks, Michael Hirst, Gerthlyn Holman, Claudette Pious, Carmen Tipling and Judy Bloomfield.


LEFT: It's okay to be 'chicken', especially if you're Jamaica Broilers boss Robert Levy (second right). He and better half, Judy, chat with Major Richard Cooke (second left) and Charles Ross.
RIGHT: Tarun Handa of KPMG talks business with former Gleaner editor-in-chief, Wyvolyn Gager, at Innovative Ideas annual party.

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