Keisha Shakespeare-Blackmore, Staff Reporter
The J Wray and Nephew family had media personnel in a dancing frenzy at its appreciation party held at Cuddy'z in New Kingston last week Tuesday.
The theme was 'Jamaica Night' and patrons came dressed in the national colours to have a grand time.
The company's staff welcomed each guest upon entry and drinks included the innovative 'Green As Grass'. The entertainment package included televised re-runs of the Jamaican athletic team's performance at the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.
Come dance time, even some of the more reserved journalists loosened up after a few drinks and boogied down. Not even Etana's soulful singing could distract them from the dance floor. She gave a stunning performance. Also, D'Angel briefly touched her song, Stronger.
There were a few guests who were more interested in the rum than dancing and the hosts made sure that their glasses were never empty. Though Wednesday was a work day, no one seemed to mind because dancing did not stop till 2 a.m.