Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | December 7, 2008
Home : Arts &Leisure
Literary arts - Urgent letter to Obama


Oxy Moron, Contributor

Mr Obama, now that you is president-elect and behaving as if you is already in the White House, I are wondering what you is going to do for us, as we search for that dog with pedigree. Because not a thing is going on on the Rock. Me and my neighbour them suffering. Talking about the world going through recess. And, I know when I was in primary school, recess was a time for merriment and eating, now is only starvation.

Everyone know that I love poor people and that's why I are in politics. I myself are from the peasant class and I knows how shameful it is to eat dumpling and butter and drink sugar and water every night. And, that's why I are not satisfied with the high level of suffering in the world much less on the Rock.

Nuclear weapons

When I sees pictures of people on TV suffering, my skin crawl and to know that some countries is spending zillions of dollars on nuclear weapons. It do not make sense. In Jamaica, we have to settle for ratchet knife, ice pick, slingshot, cocktail bomb and cutlass. These a our weapons of mass destruction.

After The American War of Independence in 1976, the United Nations were created to ease hunger in the world, but since then it seem like you have more hungry-belly people in this world today. For instance, if you should go in my constituency, you wouda frighten to see the amount of hungry people living in squalor.

They have no work, no education, no hope, no money to buy phone credit, and the conditions that they live under sick mi stomach. Suppose you see below the gully side that some of them live on. Your constitution have to be strong. It is not fair because every election they vote for me. Sometimes I alone get more than 100 per cent vote. They are very loyal, but they are not getting any help, and yet George Bush spending one whole heap a money on the war in Iran.

'Fraid of Bush

Too many questionable things are happening under Bush leadership and you seems to fraid of Bush. Just give him to us, for we does not play with bush, we burns bush. The ball is in your court, and so I beseek you to imprint upon the governments of the world the need to elevate the high level of poverty which is manhangling our people.

We should thrive for justice and equality for all. For it is no secret that I am die-hearted, and if it mean that we have to fling stones, burn tyres and block the entrance to the White House, something must be done. So please do something before something do you. Remember, we support you, even though we couldn't vote.

And, oh, though we might be poor, we is not short of black paint. That House need a good paint job, man.


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