Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Wednesday | July 22, 2009
Home : News
Cops turn up the heat downtown
Prosecutions have soared in downtown Kingston as members of the Island Special Constabulary Force at the Darling Street Police Station have upped the drive to stamp out crime.

Nearly 19,000 prosecutions have been executed by the lawmen between July 8 last year and June 9, 2009. This represents an almost 50 per cent increase over the corresponding period July 2007-June 2008.

The approximately 18,897 prosecutions for various offences include breaches of the Firearms Act.

"Through the hard-working team at the station, we have been able to achieve a higher level of success where prosecutions are concerned," remarked Commander Vivian Sawyers.

The cops have also captured 11 wanted men during the period. Three police personnel at the station have also been charged with breaches of the Corruption Prevention Act.


Prosecution figures

Arrests -1,722

Traffic tickets -17,132

Vending breaches -335

Drug violations -421 persons

Weapon charges 706 - persons

Executed warrants -33

Motor vehicle seizures -730

DVD seizures -9,000 copies

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