One of the two men on trial for the murder of elderly Manchester couple, Richard and Julia Lyn, took the police to where the bodies were at the Martins Hill Dump, Manchester.
Detective Sergeant Dolphie Graveney made the disclosure yesterday at the trial in the Home Circuit Court.
He said that on December 29, 2006, the accused, Calvin Powell, also called Kevin, of New Green, Manchester, told him that for three nights he could not sleep "because it rest on my mind".
He said Powell said he was going to take him and show him where the bodies were.
Spoke in custody
He said Powell took him and other police personnel to the Martins Hill Dump in Manchester and showed them where the bodies were. He said Powell was in custody when Powell spoke to him.Powell, a garbage truck operator, and Lennox Swaby, mechanic of Hopeton district, Manchester, are charged jointly with the murder.
The Crown is alleging that the couple were strangled between December 9 and 10, 2006, at their home in Mandeville. The couple were robbed of their motor vehicles, appliances and other household items.
Senior Puisne Judge Marva McIntosh is presiding at the trial.