LETTER OF THE DAY - PNP should rethink
The Editor, Sir: We have been waiting for years for the Charter of Rights. The bill to introduce it is based on a consensus reached by a joint select committee of Parliament. I implore the Opposition not to derail it once more by an argument about...
Not so fast, Mr PM
The Editor, Sir: Please allow me space to get the prime minister's attention on an issue for legislative change. In this pervasively challenging economic climate and prior to now for others, it has become increasingly difficult for some apartment owners...
Dangerous use of weed whackers
The Editor, Sir: I am writing you this letter with mixed feelings as I am concerned about the men who are cleaning our streetsides, especially those who use weed whackers. As I am writing this letter to you, I am also writing to the executive director...
A salute to US embassy personnel
THE EDITOR, Sir: Allow me the privilege of using this medium to express sincere thanks and appreciation to the United States embassy and its caring and efficient staff members who were on duty on the morning of October 6.I had reason to accompany ...
The Bible and truth
The Editor, Sir: The erudite (and rather smug) religious apologist Peter Espeut, in a Gleaner article, pontificates that despite discrepancies, "the bible is 100 per cent true and at the level of deep meaning (whatever that means), it is perfectly...