Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 15, 2009
Home : Letters
Dangerous use of weed whackers
The Editor, Sir:

I am writing you this letter with mixed feelings as I am concerned about the men who are cleaning our streetsides, especially those who use weed whackers. As I am writing this letter to you, I am also writing to the executive director of the National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA).

It is good to see the effort made to keep the city clean but there has to be safety also. On Sunday, October 11, about 9 a.m., I was on my way to church and on reaching Six Miles there were some men cutting high grass. On reaching this location, a stone was forcefully propelled on to my windscreen glass. I looked to see any brake or crack but could not see anything with the naked eye so I didn't stop as I was late for church.

Well, as I was driving on Tuesday, October 13, I noticed a crack on my windscreen and it has started to become larger. My concern was the fact that I could have lost an eye or been hit in the ear temple which could cause death, and this could have happened to anyone.

Safety first

This letter is a note to the NSWMA that safety has to be exercise:

Are these men trained to use these machine in a safer way which includes:

a) Covering the machine at the working end

b) Turning the machine in a way that these heavy stones are not lobbed in a manner that endangers passers-by.

Keeping the city clean is good but safety also counts. Let's not endanger the lives of our citizens. Let's get it right.

I am, etc.,



Greater Portmore

St Catherine

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