Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 15, 2009
Home : Letters
The Bible and truth
The Editor, Sir:

The erudite (and rather smug) religious apologist Peter Espeut, in a Gleaner article, pontificates that despite discrepancies, "the bible is 100 per cent true and at the level of deep meaning (whatever that means), it is perfectly consistent. It is only when you try to take all of it literally - as science and history - that it becomes inconsistent".

I suppose he means that the Bible is 100 per cent factual and free from error and is only inconsistent when scientists and histo-rians try to unravel its mysteries. He continues that to understand the truth of the resurrection stories, which are 100 per cent true despite their discrepancies, you need to study theology.

Logic and evidence

Thanks, but my quest for truth will have to be by the only sensible way I know - sifting through the data and basing my conclusions on logic and evidence. Indeed, the quest for truth based on scripture and faith (theology) may be a delusive will-o'-the-wisp.

The resurrection of Jesus is the pillar of the Christian message by which all Christianity stands or falls. Except for faith, history is the only tool Christians have to make a case for the resurrection. If it happened, it could only be by a miracle (or supernatural), which you either accept on faith or reject as against natural laws, or symbolic - the hope of eternal life.


Was there a talking snake? What language did the snake talk to Adam? Hebrew? Greek? Allegorical or factual? Oh yes, biblical truth.

Was there a Virgin birth? Possibly the virgin birth was made to match Isaiah's prophecy "that a young woman will conceive". However, the Hebrew "young woman" of Isaiah was translated (deliberately? or mistranslated?) into the Greek 'virgin' and this is the form found in Matthew in the Bible. Jesus is in company with the pagan gods - Dionysius, Hores, Attis, Adonis, Mithra, Zoroaster, etc were all born of virgins many years before Christianity.

To argue that the Bible is inerrant in all its parts, inspired by God in every way, cannot be. There are too many discrepancies and contradictions. People need to be know-ledgeable about the Bible rather than what is in it to be better informed and enlightened in the search for the truth.

I am, etc.,



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