Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Monday | July 6, 2009
Home : Letters
How the NHT can help
The Editor, Sir:

I have read with concern the many issues relating to lack of sufficient housing solutions for Jamaicans, particularly public servants. As the largest mortgage provider in the island, the National Housing Trust (NHT) has to do more to make a serious dent in the ongoing problem.

We are all aware of the NHT's inability to provide loans that are directly matched to what current market prices for housing units are. The solution could be two-fold, and would involve the NHT providing the option of accessing a higher ceiling to qualified individuals at a higher interest rate.

It would allow many Jamaicans to afford the purchase of a home, and at an interest rate that is still below the commercial bank rate. The NHT could also increase the loan ceiling for all NHT contributors across the board, but perhaps limit the access to funds to a fixed percentage of the market value of housing units within a certain price range.

This mechanism would facilitate greater access to housing for labourers and working professionals alike, and also provide an avenue for greater revenue generation by the NHT, which can be reinvested into the NHT mortgage scheme.

I, therefore, firmly believe that it's time for some fundamental reforms to the national housing scheme in order to jump-start the nation's building project by providing greater solutions for home ownership, one individual at a time.

I am, etc.,



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