Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | April 14, 2009
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - Queries about cassava study
The Editor, Sir: I would like to express my appreciation for any research that can potentially contribute to the health and well being of our citizens. In particular, our tertiary institutions are duty bound to provide information that is sound, balanced and can stand up..

Inadequate NCU report
The Editor, Sir, I am compelled to write to you requesting that the scientists at the Northern Caribbean University (NCU) make more data available on their findings of cyanide in cassava.

Usain, ganja and handlers
The Editor, Sir:The reported admission by Usain Bolt to the German press that he used ganja as a kid is sure to generate some debate in the media for the next two weeks. As to the accuracy of the statement I am not sure. I never used ganja as a child and never used it as an adult...

Redwood's blurred vision
The Editor, Sir: With reference to Stanley Redwood's letter of April 13, 'Tax parity vs salary charity', why is it that suddenly all these People's National Party (PNP) people have found the solutions for all of Jamaica's problems?...

A workable local stimulus package
The Editor, Sir,Jamaicans have long been faced with 'memoranda of understanding' (MOUs) and the 'tightening of belts' without any relief. Every time relief seems be imminent there comes another economic crisis.

CDF - no political pork barrel
The Editor, Sir:A while ago The Gleaner editorial paid a short visit to the Govern-ment's Constituency Development Fund. It sniffed, scoffed and concluded that the project was no better than a political pork barrel...

Not so fast, Mr PM
The Editor, Sir: Prime Minister Bruce Golding has announced that he was taking a 15 per cent pay cut, in a bid to influence public-sector workers to do the same.He went on further to call upon all members of Parliament to give up ten per cent of their...

Dr Dawes mis-spoke
The Editor, Sir: The Sunday Gleaner of April 12 carried a story which stated that Dr Winston Dawes, former president of the Medical Associa-tion of Jamaica, thought that the current budget was not adequate to prevent the publichealth system from buckling...

Market our rich heritage
The Editor, Sir: It's time for us as Jamaicans to define who we are, what we want to be and stick to that model. It sniffed, scoffed and concluded that the project was no better than a political pork barrel...

Public sector pay equity
The Editor, Sir: I write in response to a letter published on April 12, entitled, 'Unreasonable public servants'. Like the concerned civil servant, I do not trust trade unions, but unlike the writer I also do not trust the persons who sit ...

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