Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | April 14, 2009
Home : Letters
A workable local stimulus package
The Editor, Sir,

Jamaicans have long been faced with 'memoranda of understanding' (MOUs) and the 'tightening of belts' without any relief. Every time relief seems be imminent there comes another economic crisis. The belts are under strain and ready to give way. When are Jamaicans going to get a break? It almost seems like never.

If revenue can be found to finance an unnecessary and wasteful bye-election, why can't the same be done to implement an economic stimulus package for Jamaicans? Why can't the Government give every eligible Jamaican one million dollars? The America government gave each eligible American US$600 within a certain criteria to ease their burden.

Strict guidelines such as: Funds should be spent and invested in Jamaica, persons' income bracket, whether they are employed or not, proven citizenship, possession of a TRN and other conditions that make sense could be used. A positive impact from where I sit would far outweigh any negative fallout.

These positives range from improvement of the TRN roll, alleviation of the trauma of job losses, averting foreclosures, appeasement of the teachers and nurses' crises and their unions, tertiary students paying student loans, to averting contemplated deviant behaviour to overcoming unemployment thus sending fewer people to jail.

I am,etc.,



Red Hills, Jamaica

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