Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | April 14, 2009
Home : Letters
Usain, ganja and handlers
The Editor, Sir:

The reported admission by Usain Bolt to the German press that he used ganja as a kid is sure to generate some debate in the media for the next two weeks. As to the accuracy of the statement I am not sure. I never used ganja as a child and never used it as an adult, but as a child growing up in St Mary, I was surrounded by so many persons who used it ceremoniously, whether they smoked it, used it for tea or in soup, or for some medicinal purposes.

Drug free

I sincerely believe that Usain is clean - free of performance-enhancing substances. I also believe that if he does not surround himself with persons who can help to keep him in check morally, he will be just a step away from using drugs. I am convinced that if he is not properly guided he will seek to relive or regain the thrills of the Olympic glory, if he is not able to perform as he did then, the most natural thing to do will be to turn to something that will give him the thrill.

God forbid that that should happen, but I wish for those who manage him to be pro-active in this approach. Against the backdrop of a 'Phelps' story, there may be those who will want to pounce on an admission of this nature to try and thwart his career or even cast a snare on his Olympic performances.

I am, etc.,



Christiana PO


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