Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | April 14, 2009
Home : Letters
Redwood's blurred vision
The Editor, Sir:

With reference to Stanley Redwood's letter of April 13, 'Tax parity vs salary charity', why is it that suddenly all these People's National Party (PNP) people have found the solutions for all of Jamaica's problems? Where were these solutions when their administration was in power for 18 and a half years?

The Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) would not have to resort to these measures that Redwood mentioned in his letter were it not for the failed policies of 'the greatest finance minister,' Omar Davies and the PNP administration. When most econo-mies of the world were growing in the 1990s into the early 2000s, Jamaica's economy was declining because the PNP thought that borrowing was the solution to Jamaica's economic problems and not production.

Improve production

I think the JLP is trying to enhance and improve production much more than the PNP administration did, and we need to applaud them for that. This is evident in the minister of agriculture's initiatives, the prime minister's efforts in reducing bureaucratic red tape and the JLP's improved relationship with the private sector.

We need to stop seeing green or orange part colours and see Jamaica.

I am, etc.,





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