Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | October 15, 2009
Home : News
Policemen accused of corruption freed
Barbara Gayle, Staff Reporter

Two policemen who were accused of a breach of the Corruption Prevention Act have been freed because of several discrepancies in the prosecution's case.

Constables Damion Nicholson and Rohan Wheatley were freed Tuesday in the Falmouth Resident Magistrate's Court, Trelawny.

It was alleged at the trial that, on January 2, 2005, they accepted money from a motorist who did not have a valid driver's licence.

$4000 requested

The complainant testified that he was driving a motor car when the policemen stopped him in Falmouth and asked him for his driver's licence. He told them he did not have one. He said the policemen told him to pay them $4,000 so they would not lock him up or seize the motor vehicle.

He had only $1,500 and US$15 and he gave the money to the police. He said he promised them that he would give them the balance of the money but instead reported the matter at the Falmouth Police Station.

Evidence was also given that the police received the report and went to where the accused were on duty. They were searched but no money was found on them.

Cross-examined by defence lawyer Peter Champagnie, the complainant said he gave a written statement to the police on the day of the incident.


It was disclosed under cross-examination that the complainant's statement in court was written seven months after the incident. Champagnie applied for the station diary to be taken to court. The diary had no record of the complainant's report.

Champagnie also suggested to the complainant that he did not give a physical description of the policemen who had accosted him.

The two accused gave unsworn statements denying accepting any money from the complainant.

Resident Magistrate Icolyn Reid said that based on the evidence, she had no choice but to free the policemen.

barbara.gayle @gleanerjm.com

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