Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | June 18, 2009
Home : Letters

LETTER OF THE DAY - Speed traps as 'feeding-tree' zones
The Editor, Sir: I quite identify with the concerns raised by Donovan Jackson in the letter published yesterday about speed traps along the North Coast Highway. Some time ago, I wrote a letter to The Gleaner, which was published, calling for a speed transition...

Media cannot escape blame
The Editor, Sir: It is amazing that at a time like this, when the emphasis is on providing a better-quality education for a more productive citizenry, that this newspaper continues to use its power to try to discredit the leadership of the Jamaica...

Annoying speed traps
The Editor, Sir: Further to the Letter of the Day (June 17) regarding speed traps on the North Coast Highway, I too, find the whole thing frustrating. We are regular visitors to Jamaica and will be retiring to the Discovery Bay area next year.

Water from T&T, so what?
THE EDITOR , Sir: This is in response to an article in Mondays' Gleaner titled "Water on sale from Trinidad". I find it very disheartening to think that such flawed concerns, so lacking in thinking and scope...

New look at old problems
THE EDITOR, Sir: I hope this is not naive optimism, but I sense the beginnings of a slight change in how we look at the problems Jamaica faces, away from the stereotypically one-dimensional emphasis on the economic and political...

Retrograde transportation policy
The Editor, Sir: In an effort to curtail and discourage illegal activities, the Government, on occasion, has conceived innovative and ingenious propositions that are intended to discourage such activities.

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