Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Thursday | June 18, 2009
Home : Letters
Annoying speed traps
The Editor, Sir:

Further to the Letter of the Day (June 17) regarding speed traps on the North Coast Highway, I too, find the whole thing frustrating.

We are regular visitors to Jamaica and will be retiring to the Discovery Bay area next year. One of the main reasons we chose to build in this area was the superb new North Coast Highway, which should drastically cut the time when visiting relatives in Kingston, Ocho Rios, etc. However, it seems that you are faced with numerous speed traps trying to enforce a 50km speed limit on an excellent road. I can understand this when driving through built-up areas, but not open stretches where 80km should be far more appropriate.

I, too, appreciate that the accident rate is far too high in Jamaica, but this is mainly due to bad driving by taxis, buses, etc, rather than excessive speeding.

I am, etc.,




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