It is amazing that at a time like this, when the emphasis is on providing a better-quality education for a more productive citizenry, that this newspaper continues to use its power to try to discredit the leadership of the Jamaica Teachers' Association (JTA), simply because it does not see eye to eye with some of its thoughts on education.
Each day, the editorial or other contributors, lambaste the JTA for not producing high-quality education, or being accountable for the failures in the education system. I find it quite amusing, as I think it is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. This newspaper, as part of the media, has helped to create the type of mediocrity and erosion of values and attitudes that has created a nation of crass behaviour, debauchery and poor manners.
Who is to be blamed? Certainly, if this newspaper and others in the media do not hold themselves accountable as part of the problem we are now facing as a nation, then you do not understand how powerful you are. If this is so, then God help us!
I am, etc.,
Old Harbour, St Catherine