Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | March 1, 2009
Home : In Focus

PM faces the music
Prime Minister Bruce Golding in his address to the Montego Bay Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday delivered what was of the stature of an address to the nation or Parliament on the current global crisis and its impact on Jamaica...

The global economy of corruption
Switzerland has now returned US$6 million in assets stolen by former dictator, Jean Claude 'Baby Doc' Duvalier to Haiti.

Hawks and vultures coming home to roost
In a recent edition of the Sunday Observer, editor-at-large, H.G. Helps reported to the Jamaican public that there has been "a dramatic jump in complaints against medical doctors, including accusations of patient rape".

Making the most of the Port-of-Spain summit
The impact of Sir Allen Stanford's US$9 billion debacle on offshore banking, especially in Antigua, but also elsewhere in the Caribbean, is something that remains to be seen, but there is little doubt that it won't help that...

Prosecutions and the just society
A report titled Observations on Criminal Prosecutions in Jamaica was tabled in Parliament towards the end of January.

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