Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | January 10, 2010
Home : In Focus

Cabinet retreat and Jamaica's advance
It's the latest cry in Jamaica: Show us the plan! Show us the way out of the economic crisis; show us a path beyond the International Monetary Fund (IMF) agreement. There is consensus that there is no alternative to the IMF loan. The People's National Party...

High interest rates as a financial solution
Last year was the most dysfunctional since the great financial meltdown of 1996 when the banking system sunk into a blackhole. Whether this year, 2010, will see a turnaround from darkness to light will depend on the same banking industry...

The cheap politics of poverty
The revision of the $21.8-billion Christmas tax package is nothing but a pandering to the politics of poverty which has been ruining Jamaica. Sanitary pads were the symbolic red rag of rage which kept the government in line with the cheap/poor ...

POLITICS OF OUR TIME - Bunglin government
Electing a government is one thing. Having a government that understands the process of governance; adheres to the proper rules of that process; appreciates the capacity of government and the limits to that capacity...

The greatest free lunch of all
'There's no such thing as a free lunch!' is a favourite adage of economists explaining the reality that everything has a cost, and you can't get something for nothing. Now, it's true that success is usually a product of hard work. As Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ...

What size public sector?
We have been grappling at the intellectual and policy level for years with the question: 'What is the appropriate role and size of government for Jamaica in this era of market-driven globalised capitalism?'...

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