Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Tuesday | July 28, 2009
Home : Letters
Deep anger in Maverley

IN THE aftermath of Sunday's shooting incident in Maverley, St Andrew, the news media incorrectly reported that the community was tense. As a survivor of that attack, I will tell you that there was no tension in the community. What was evident, particularly on Reapers Road, was fear and anger.

Fear that what we believed to be a safe neighbourhood could have been the area where four boys and two adults could have been attacked at 8:15 in the morning. Fear that we could be the victims of other attacks and fear for our children who could be victims of these attacks.

But even more than the fear was the anger at the forefront of the minds of the residents of Maverley. Anger at the murder of 15-year-old Dorain 'Al' Scott; anger at the attacks on youngsters and adults who were at their homes just having a chat, and anger at the police who have failed us again.

You did not do your part

It was an open secret that there was an ongoing feud between gangsters from Maverley and a section of Drewsland, but we were not involved and, in fact, the gangsters from Maverley complained daily that every move they made was reported to the police. We did what you, Mr Commissioner and you, Mr Security Minister, told us: we called Crime Stop, we called the police, we called 119 and suddenly the gunmen on our side were on the run or arrested.

We did our part, but you did not do yours. You left us at the mercy of two gunmen who walked more than 800 metres to shoot our babies. You failed us. If we had sided with the gunmen, nobody could have walked into our community on a Sunday morning and kill a 15-year-old; nobody could have left an entire community in mourning the way they did on Sunday.

Great fear and pain

You, Mr Commissioner, and you, Mr Security Minister, told us not to side with gunmen and you would protect us, but you have not. Now, if we side with gunmen and they decide to avenge the death of 'Al', will you protect the children in Drewsland or will a mother mourn the death of her child? That is my fear. You have failed the people of Maverley in the same way you have failed the people of so many other inner-city communities. Now, even as we mourn 'Al', we hope you can prevent any other mother from sharing our pain and protect the people of Drewsland, protect the people of Tivoli, or Arnett Gardens or Flankers.

Mr Commissioner and you, Mr Security Minister, it is your duty and if you can't do it, then tell us and leave us to protect ourselves.

I am, etc.,


Maverley, St Andrew

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