Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | July 12, 2009
Home : In Focus

Tough times, tough decisions
The whole debate about whether we should go back into a borrowing arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is being approached from the wrong angle. The issue is not about avoiding the IMF as a way of avoiding pain and cutbacks. The fact is, Jamaica has no alternative except pain and cutbacks in our present circumstances.

Make military service mandatory
For as long as I can remember, we have been struggling with the issue of crime and violence in Jamaica. The problem has become extremely serious in the last decade however and, in particular, in the last five years.

Numbers count - in education
The best understanding of problems is to be found in the bottom line where numbers sift out what is accurate and credible. But Jamaicans, it appears, are averse to using numbers analytically. They prefer endless discussions and 'groundings' in search of truth which is often elusive because the 'reasoning' stops short of the facts.

No vagina registry - Muddled discussions in the Senate
The current debate on the Sexual Offences Bill which was recently introduced in the Senate has frequently provided the television-viewing public the opportunity to either raise their eyebrows or drop their jaws.

Upholding democracy in Central America
Perhaps with the exception of Grenada, the Commonwealth Caribbean has been spared the curse of military coups. But elsewhere in the hemisphere, the image of the Latin American president being flown out of his country after being overthrown is a classic one.

Fifty years of self-government
This year marks the 50th anniversary of internal self-government in Jamaica. This month (July 4) is also the birthday of the leading Jamaican architect of constitutional advancement, Norman Manley. Formal Cabinet government was granted to Jamaica in 1959.

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