Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : News
Cops question slain colleague's girlfriend
UP TO late yesterday afternoon, police investigators were still questioning the girlfriend of a policeman, Pedro Swaby, who was found murdered in the Longville Park community of Clarendon.

The Sunday Gleaner has learnt that, contrary to earlier reports that the lawman had been killed by gunshots, further investigations and medical examinations revealed he died from a wound to the neck that could have been caused by a sharp instrument, like a knife.

Following investigations and strong leads, the female companion was picked up by the police and is being interrogated.

On Wednesday, June 10, about 2 a.m., sounds of distress were heard coming from Swaby's dwelling. Checks later revealed that he had been killed by his attacker(s).

The vehicle he was driving up to the time of his death was missing, but was later found abandoned along the Free Town main road in Clarendon.

Swaby was 44 years old, and had devoted eight years of service to the Jamaica Constabulary Force. He worked at the Clarendon Traffic Department and was later stationed at the May Pen Police Station. His death brings to five the number of police personnel killed violently since the start of the year.


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