Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : News

Marley Hill residents feel neglected
Residents of the small, rustic community of Marley Hill in south Manchester, say they feel neglected and ignored, especially by those who have vowed to serve them, and are calling on the authorities to respond to their...

Cops question slain colleague's girlfriend
UP TO late yesterday afternoon, police investigators were still questioning the girlfriend of a policeman, Pedro Swaby, who was found murdered in the Longville Park community of Clarendon.The Sunday Gleaner has learnt that, contrary to earlier reports...

'HEART did it for me'
Roy Reid credits his success to the rounded training he received at HEART/Trust NTA.'HEART did it for me'WHEN ROY Reid, client relations officer at the Jamaica Money Market Brokers (JMMB), tells people that he started out as a HEART trainee, they are...

Technical training triggers self-employment
REPRESENTATIVES OF the country's national training organisation, HEART Trust/NTA, are working hard to break the unfair perception that the institution only caters to dropouts, or those who were not bright enough to make it into the mainstream education...

'I will survive' Student hails university work-study programme
FINAL YEAR Northern Caribbean University (NCU) student, Caddabra Bernard, is not bothered by the fact that the current job market is shrinking. Nor is she entirely worried that she might not be able to land a job in her field of choice - secondary education.

Jamaica's Uta fêted at German festival - Unusual name lands her fame
WESTERN BUREAU: "It took a while until I found out that all these journalists, photographers and TV people had come just for me."As if announcing the arrival of the 'Princess of Peace'...

Employer background checks - Going too far?
The interview is not the final stage of the employment process. Background checks are frequently conducted to verify the information provided by applicants on their résumés and application forms and during the interview, and the results guide the final selection.

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