Jamaica Gleaner
Published: Sunday | June 14, 2009
Home : Business

Passenger penalty - Fines mooted for users of illegal transport
A fine for passengers who travel with illegal operators is being suggested among several measures to be implemented by the Government in its bid to bring uniformity to the transport...

JIIC launches 'premier' line
Jamaica International Insurance Company (JIIC) has begun the roll-out of three new products branded as the Premier line and targeted at motor and property clientele, but also small businesses.The latter, however, remains a...

Car alarm installed. Now, where's my discount?
Question: I bought a seven-year-old car recently. One of its many features was a factory-installed anti-theft device. There are also specially made keys for the door locks, trunk and ignition lock.

Demand for workers continues to fall
THE FIRST-quarter report of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) for 2009 reveals that demand for workers continues to fall, with the most significant decline in the category listed as, 'professionals, senior officials and technicians'.For...

Your hurricane budget
There will be nothing left to do but ride out the storm and its aftermath if long before the first hurricane arrives you have put in place the basics required.For everyone, the needs are common - securing the home...

Neighbourly guide to personal finance
You might have survived the round of job cuts, and might even have found your workload doubling, though your pay has not. But you still have an income.

Make a will
Question: I am a 38-year-old male, married, and the father of two. I am the sole owner of my house. I have written down how I want my assets to be distributed after I die and my wife is fully aware of my wishes.

Cheap iPhone, US$99; new model, US$199
Apple Inc slashed the entry price for an iPhone in half and lowered some laptops by US$300 Monday, the company's first dramatic price cuts since the recession began a year and a half ago.With co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs absent until his medical leave...

New thinking on growth, post-recession
From time to time, leaders from the financial services industry are invited by a well-known intermediary to brief prime ministers and key ministers from the Caribbean.Those present might include the heads of banks, credit-rating agencies, hedge funds or...

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